

공부하자~~ 2017. 9. 25. 09:59

암호문 : Shal7 ohz illu dpao aol zjovvs zpujl 2001, dolu Zbuspu Pualyula Opno Zjovvs dhz klzpnuhalk hz aol mpyza PA johyhjalypzapj opno zjovvs pu Zlvbs. Zabkluaz dov hyl pualylzalk pu zljbypaf hyl ibpskpun h jsbi, huk pu aol yhyl hylhz vm ohjrpun, lhjo vaoly ohz olswlk lhjo vaoly huk ohz zabkplk zljbypaf. Aol zfzalthapj jbyypjbsbt huk aol whzzpvu vm aol jsbi tltilyz huk aol zluzl vm ylzwvuzpipspaf ohcl jvuaypibalk av aol opzavyf vm 17 flhyz. Aol Dvysk Dhy Aluupz Johtwpvuzopwz, ovzalk if aol Dvysk'z Tvza Dhualk if Klhao huk Klmluzl Tpupzayf, hyl wbispzolk pu chypvbz mplskz, pujsbkpun aol Pualyuhapvuhs Ohjrpun Jvumlylujl, vynhupglk if aol Pualyuhapvuhs Ohjrpun Jvumlylujl, huk wbispzopun pu chypvbz mplskz, pujsbkpun jvtwbalyz, Dli wvyahsz, huk ltilkklk mvythaz. Avkhf dl ohcl opkklu h mshn. MSHN{Shfly7_pz_nvvkkkkkkkkk}

아래는 복호화 소스다.

import sys

enc = ""

def decrypt(encrypt, val):
    if val > 26:
    result = ""

    for i in encrypt:
        i = ord(i)
        if i > 64 and i < 91:
            new_val = i + val

            if new_val > 90:
                add_val = new_val - 90
                new_val = 64 + add_val
                result += hex(new_val)[2:].decode('hex')
                result += hex(new_val)[2:].decode('hex')
        elif i > 96 and i < 123:
            new_val = i + val

            if new_val > 122:
                add_val = new_val -122
                new_val = 96 + add_val
                result += hex(new_val)[2:].decode('hex')
                result += hex(new_val)[2:].decode('hex')
            result += hex(i)[2:].decode('hex')
    print result

decrypt(enc, 19)

복호문 : Late7 has been with the school since 2001, when Sunlin Internet High School was designated as the first IT characteristic high school in Seoul. Students who are interested in security are building a club, and in the rare areas of hacking, each other has helped each other and has studied security. The systematic curriculum and the passion of the club members and the sense of responsibility have contributed to the history of 17 years. The World War Tennis Championships, hosted by the World's Most Wanted by Death and Defense Ministry, are published in various fields, including the International Hacking Conference, organized by the International Hacking Conference, and publishing in various fields, including computers, Web portals, and embedded formats. Today we have hidden a flag. FLAG{Layer7_is_gooddddddddd}

답은 FLAG{Layer7_is_gooddddddddd} 다.