Information Security Cheat Sheet

This is a recollection of links and resources I have found / been told about over the years. I developed this post in the hope to map out good resources in the indurstry, facilitating the spread of knowledge, no matter the skill level.

If any errors are spotted, or any links need adding / updating / removing. Please contact me via Twitter @SecGus (

Personal Contributions

CTF Pages

The King Of CTF Pages-
247CTF -
HackTheBox -
RootMe -
0x0539 -
Laptop Hacking Coffee -
pwnable tw - BinExp)
pwnable kr - BinExp)
PicoCTF - friendly)
reversing kr -
The Stereotyped Challenges -

Payload Cheat Sheets

PayloadsAllTheThings -
BurpSuite XSS Cheat Sheet -

OSCP Preparation

Sam’s Review / Guide -
R4J Buffer Overflow -
Computerphile BoF Explanation -
g0tm1lk Linux Priv Esc Cheat Sheet -
Windows Priv Esc -
Windows Priv Esc (built around OSCP) -

SAST Practice Pages

Secure Code Warrior -
ExploitDB (May require imagination) -

All Around Practical Learning (non-competitive)

OWASP Juice Shop -
Pentester Labs -
OverTheWire - friendly)
Pentester Academy -
PortSwigger Labs -
OverTheWire -
CTFLearn -
VulnHub -
Hacker101 -

All Around Theory Learning (non-competitive)

BurpSuite Research -
HumbleBundle Cyber Security Books -
Free SANS courses for the fundamentals -

Relevant Blogs / Podcasts

Security Weekly -
Darknet Diaries -
TheManyHatsClub -
0x00Sec (Community Blog) -
Secret Club -
g0tm1lk -
Cybering -

Twitch Hacking Channels (English)

TheBlindHacker -
GeoHotz -
LiveOverflow -

Twitch Hacking Channels (Spanish)

S4vitar -

Youtube Channels Pentesting (English)

HackerSploit -
IppSec -
TheCyberMentor -
LiveOverflow -
Computerphile -

Youtube Channels Pentesting (Spanish)

Victor Garcia -
S4vitar -
Julio Ureña -

Relevant Discord Servers and Communities

TheManyHatsClub -
ThugCrowd -
LaptopHackingCoffee -
HackTheBox -
0x00Sec -
John Hammond Discord -
ReSwitched -
ur-hackr -

Companies Offering Certificate

ELearnSecurity -
Pentester Academy -
Offensive Security -
HackTheBox -

Other Relevant Links

The Cybrary -
CyberFirst -
Mind Map Everything -
Events around London -
Razvi’s List of Hacking Sites -
Peerlyst -
CTFs for beginners -
HackerOne Bugbounty page -
Using Twitter for InfoSec -
CVE feed from the mitre -


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